- Markets, Governance and Human Development
P.B. Anand, Des Gasper et Miriam Teschl
Pages 3 à 10
- Governance for Prosperity
Tim Jackson
Pages 11 à 33
- A new style of development to deal with the current crisis: solidarity-based economy, collective capability and sustainable human development
Jean-Luc Dubois et Elena Lasida
Pages 35 à 56
- “The Taste Approach”. Governance beyond Libertarian paternalism
Tor Otterholt
Pages 57 à 80
- From gross misconduct to responsible behaviour. A dream that necessitates realisticness
Vinca Bigo
Pages 81 à 112
- Do markets foster selfishness?
Alan Kirman et Miriam Teschl
Pages 113 à 140